Anyone thinking about taking the results of their research up to an international stage to present effectively towards a group of native and non-native speakers of English will find this course particularly useful. This course is so tailor-made that it will escort you through each stage from your desktop to the lectern.
This course is primarily aimed at ESL healthcare professionals and bio-medical researchers who need to do oral presentations at international conferences. However, it can help native speakers of English if they want to make their presentations more understandable to ESL listeners.
By the end of the course, you will have learned…
1. How to write your own manuscript in English.
2. How to prepare your slides from your manuscript.
3. What to say and how to say it at each stage of your presentation.
4. How to use appropriate transition phrases to guide the audience through your slides and make the logic of your presentation crystal clear.
5. How to handle Q&A sessions appropriately.
Who is the course for?
1. 如何訂購課程?
2. 我有課程操作或相關問題要詢問誰?
若有課程相關問題,歡迎加入LINE官方帳號【TMU北醫進修推廣處】與我們聯絡。或於上班時間(週一至週五 09:00-18:00)來電 02-2736-1661#7702 將由專人為您服務。
3. 我需要用什麼設備作觀看學習?
4. 什麼是遠距教學?
1. 報名截止即日起課程結束止。
2. 正確填妥課程報名資料後送出,請於取得虛擬帳號並於三日內繳費,或於課程平台使用電子支付繳費後才算完成報名手續。超過三天請重新報名。
3. 學員自報名繳費後至實際上課日前退費者,扣除報名費200元後退還已繳學雜費用之九成;開班後不予退費。
4. 本班為非學分班,修讀期滿由本校資訊處發給「ONLINE TMU線上修習證明」,不授予學位證書。
Course Contact:鄭珂明 7702